The Oracle
Magic Cards & Moths
High Quality, 100% Original Mesh & Pose
Bento arm Pose
Animation Priority: 6
Product Permission: Copy
■ Bento Mesh Hands required, If you do not have Bento mesh hands, you won’t be able to play finger pose, so make sure you own it.
■ This product is made to be used with AOs or other full body animations. The idea of this is to work as add-on in the hand.
■ Unrigged
■ Unisex
■ The shine effect work best with lights.
Has materials to give realistic and more detail feel. You can see materials only on High/Ultra Graphics Preferences. Go to Preferences, Graphics tab, set the quality on High or Ultra and then check mark the Advance Lighting Mode option.
Poses won’t fit perfectly with every shape so I recommend you to try the demo.
For any questions IM or send Note Card to Kmila Starlight.
See item in Second LifeVery cool cards and poses.
Really nice textures on the cards and also color options. Good high priority pose and holding without pose option. Great product! Thanks!