This is a commercial use version of the Mannequin Script
This is an amazing script and has a whole range of uses for display, advertising and decoration. It is particularly effective for store display with clothes, shoes and hair.
It is difficult to illustrate the full effect with photographs, although I have done my best with some of our art deco figures using the script, so I recommend you try the demo.
The three pictures of Dearest (twice) is a mannequin with the script and her avi however you cam around the 'mannequin' you will always see the same face. Visit it in world at the slurl below as it is impossible to capture in a photograph.
This is a very versatile script!
Just drop it into a prim
Add your cut out texture (with alpha channel), the more carefully you can cut it out the better the effect.
It gives the illusion of 3D to a 2D object as you see it face on from any angle
Suggested uses:
Objects D'Art
This commercial use version comprises of two scripts: and editor script and display script.
Drop a texture into the prim contents and it will be set up and displayed by the scripts. You can display a different texture at any time by dragging a new texture into the contents of the prim. The old one will be deleted automatically.
Once you are satisfied with the display, you can remove the editor script and your object can be set for selling.
Note; If you resize the prim (up to 4m approx depending on the size of the texture) the texture will resize also.
The Demo version allows you to try it for two minutes.
IMPORTANT: The better the quality of 'cutting out' the better the effect.
You will always see the item face on so if it is a figure it will appear to follow you with its eyes.
Do ask Toby Howton or Dearest Myrtle to demonstrate this to you in-world.
Enjoy creating illusions
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Customer service and after sales care is our number one priority so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any issues or questions concerning our products.
Your feedback is always appreciated both in SL Marketplace and In-World.
emm bad
sure it works.. but it creates a nasty pixelated effect around the render ..and it aint the edges ..its just around it all over ..not worth it