100% Mesh
Old Coffee Table
AO map
Uv map texture
Normal map
Roughness map
Specular map
Prims 3
High Quality Super Lods
This Product is prohibited to resell as a standalone product or with Full Permission.
★ In addition, from now on the minimum selling price for items made with resources texture packs cannot go below
Distribute this product PART OF YOUR CREATIONS.
Distribute this product "copy mod / no transfer" or "transfer / no copy no mod".
Condition: not to sell the full perm!!!
not to transfer full perm!!!
★ Any bad use of the content of this box will be reported to Linden Labs about TOS infringement.
Write unbiased reviews.
★ This product's visions created at 3D scene on render. You can see different up to your sky light and screen card.
★ You can always contact me if there is a problem. I will help right away as soon as I'm online
If you need any help feel free to IM YellowCatMiya or send a NC
Art Studio
What a fun piece for a creative project. Perfect for my needs. I have many of this creator's work. Am always happy with the quality.
Very nice
Great table nice feel to it my goodness things are getting better in mesh I even looked under the table its very good authentic table will look nice with my Winchester :-)I don't do mesh but I wonder if its done with photo now generated as it looks like it's a real table I used an app doing one with photo but it only did one side very cool table