The Attic Ladder opens and closes when you click on it, and teleports you to a landmark of your choice when you click on the bottom ladder. While it can take you to any location on the grid, it is intended to allow teleportation between floors of a home, or between a home and a skybox. The package includes versions with and without hover text. The ladder is modifiable and resizable (via the edit window.)
Attic Ladder Teleporter Instructions
1. Make sure you are on a sim that allows you to rez objects, and that allows scripts to run.
2. Rez ladder on the ground or ceiling. Click on the ladder to open and extend the ladder.
3. Right-click on the ladder, select "Edit", select "Stretch" and resize the ladder as needed to fix your space. (Note: When resizing, the script will automatically adjust the position of the various ladder components when opening and closing.)
4. In the "Edit" window, select "Edit Linked", click on the bottom part of the ladder, and select the "Content" tab on the "Edit" window. You should see a script called "_Multiple Landmark Teleporter" in the inventory. Copy and paste up to 12 landmarks into the bottom ladder's inventory. NOTE: The names of the landmarks must be 24 characters or less. Otherwise, a script error will occur.
If using a static version, you can place landmarks directly in the main ladder prim without clicking "Edit" Linked" first.
For the animated version, click on any part of the ladder except the bottom part to open and shut the ladder door.
For the static versions, clicking on the ladder will immediately teleport you, or bring up the teleport menu if there are multiple landmarks.
Click on the bottom part of the ladder when extended to teleport to the landmark location. If multiple landmarks have been added, clicking the bottom part of the ladder will bring up menu of destinations. Once you select your destination, the ladder will allow you to teleport after a few seconds. Click on the bottom part of the ladder again to travel to your destination.
If destination is over 300 meters away, the map window will open, allowing you to teleport to the landmark location.
More than I hoped for
I came to MP looking for a simple ceiling hatch that I could script a teleporter into, but came across this and within minutes it was all setup and animating beautifully along with it. Clearly a lot of care and refinement has gone into this, I think it's a steal for L225. Thanks Talevin!
It's exactly what we wanted
It works great and it's neat that it's animated with the ladder coming down. It resized well too. Very pleased.
following the notecard provided i installed the ladder with landmarks on my owned land. then received this 'endless' error message at both ends of the ladder positions.
[23:46] Bottom Ladder: The gateway has closed. Click again to set destination.((once a minute, endlessly))
I wrote the creator but never heard back.
[2022/11/01 00:43] Second Life: Inventory item 'Attic Ladder Teleport error message' offered
[2022/11/01 00:43] Talevin (talevin.whelan): User not online - inventory has been saved.
Unfortunately, this ladder teleporter sits on my inventory not used.
Best retractable ladder in SL!
This is exactly what I was looking for. The ladder looks great and works great. Best !!! Thank you ♥