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[ Autrè ] - Basic Lips LAQ/Omega

[ Autrè ] - Basic Lips LAQ/Omega

[ Autrè ] Apparel - Basic Lips


• Contains:
- Hud with 5 Lips Colors.
- FAQ/Help notecard.

• Compatible with LAQ Trinity Head + LAQ Wilma Skin
May be compatible with other Omega heads.. TRY DEMO FIRST.

• Check FAQ for help.

Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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Never worked for me!!!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 03, 2016 by Shazzy Starlight

No amount of trying, got the HUD to apply the make-up. I got the repeated message that it was attempting to apply the texture....but nuthing. Only 60L so not a total disaster.
I also read the creators notecard regarding strict rules for refunds ..really? on a 60L lipstick that doesn't work? So....... as i'm getting no refund for my faulty item, I best get my monies worth in this review! Have nice day and don't waste yur money on this product.

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