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BNWCS Accessory Pack 3.0

BNWCS Accessory Pack 3.0

This is a box of some starter weapons, vehicles, and objects designed for (but not limited to) use within the Brave New World Combat System, the SL combat system that supports

* Respawn points
* Teams / Disabled team damage
* Health Pickups
* Sim- and Grid-wide statistics / records of your performance
* Trophies for kills
* Critical Hits
* Fall damage
* Handicaps
* Un-Abusable AoE/Splash damage
* Melee Weapons
* Headshots
* "Capture the Flag" and similar gametypes
* Vehicle Support
* Sim and Team Chat/Radio
* Compatibility with most existing explosives and melee weapons
* Automatic Updatesamong other things.

This box contains 3 airplanes,1 motorcyle, 1 tank, my Free Box of Guns, 1 knife, and 2 swords.

Check out the screenshots to see them!

These guns and vehicles were made to work better with the BNWCS by using the free BNWCS Developer's Kit - if you make combat vehicles or weapons, check it out!


The Brave New World Combat System is currently in public beta testing. If there's a feature you'd like to see, or something that really bothers you, speak up! Let Matthias Rozensztok know, and it might just end up fixed!

See item in Second Life
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