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BONAIRE - The Wine Kontor - White

BONAIRE - The Wine Kontor - White

The BONAIRE Wine Kontor is the perfect gadget to entertain your guests and serve them a chilled glass of wine out of a bottle.

Our double dispenser system:
-Open the kontor and click it.
-Choose a wine from the pop-up menu and a bottle will attach to you.
-Let your guests click the bottle that you are holding and a glass of wine will be attached to them!

  • Materials enabled
  • KOOL door enabled
  • Double dispenser system with serving option
  • Experience based
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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Highly recommend
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2025/01/25 : Chrystopher Rain

Excellent... A+
