G General

*BREACH* SCAR Assault Rifle Version 1.5

*BREACH* SCAR Assault Rifle

Customizable assault rifle, grenade launcher, roleplay support, firing fx, reloads, animations, multiple anti-shield bullet types and scripted holster.

- This item is sold copy/no mod/no transfer. With purchase of this item you are also buying a right to all future updates.
- We do not offer refunds on this item as it cannot be returned.
- This product will recieve updates for at least 1-2 years after release. We normally support for 3-4 years.
- We do not transfer items to other accounts or alts.
* This item has an automatic updater built in *

In The Box:
| 1 x SCAR (COPY)
| 1 x SCAR Holster (COPY)
| 1 x Tiger Hud (COPY)


Fire modes: Semi-automatic/Fully-Automatic
Magazine capacity: 20/30/100
Holster type: Back (no straps)
Dual wield: No
Push: Two levels (Note: No push restrict defeat)
Roleplay support: Official CCS support, DCS2 approved, generic roleplay mode (Forces reloads, no push).

Script count: 9
Memory usage: 477KB

Script count: 3
Memory usage: 114KB

* Heavy or light calibre.

* Tan
* Black
* ACU Desert
* ACU Urban
* ACU Snow

* Magnifier
* Red Dot
* Holographic
* Reflex
* Battle
* Tactical
* Sniper

* Launcher
* Shotgun
* Bipod

* Short
* Medium
* Long

* Single
* Dual
* Drum

Standard Breach Features:
Custom animations
Infinite ammo mode
Holstered weapon
Shell casings
Firing FX
Impact FX
Dialog menus
Chat controls
Targetting HUD

Automatic update system

// Roleplay //

Breach supports the CCS and DCS2 combat systems, our weapons should work with other systems if they accept standard bullet collisions. We have a special roleplay mode to remove features that are normally illegal in RP sims. Please make sure our weapons are allowed where you want to roleplay before purchase.

The following information is only applicable to the CCS system:

LIFE damage goes directly through perception, buffs or abilities.
MELE damage can be blocked by perception, buffs or abilities.
STAMINA loss cannot be blocked.

Both calibres give 20 rounds of ammunition with standard magazines.
Drum capacity is reduced to 40 rounds.

To offset loss of 10 collision damage raycast mode gains:
Semi auto/Burst - 4 LIFE in FMJ, 10 MELE in Hollowpoint and Rubber.

Three round burst:

- 15 LIFE damage
* Hollowpoint
- 8 LIFE, 25 MELE damage
* Rubber
- 20 MELE damage, 8 STAMINA loss to target


- 15 LIFE, 1.5% LIFE damage
* Hollowpoint
- 10 LIFE damage, 40 MELE damage
* Rubber
- 20 MELE damage, 8 STAMINA, 1.5% STAMINA loss to target

Launcher grenade
* Explosive
- 3M radius: 15% LIFE, 50 MELE
- 6M radius: 10% LIFE, 30 MELE
- 9M radius: 5% LIFE, 20 MELE
* Incendary
- Sets fire to area for 10 seconds, 6M diameter sphere. 4% LIFE, 30 MELE damage a second.
- Sets avatar on fire for 10 LIFE, 10 MELE for 5 seconds.

Shotgun attachment
Each trigger pull fires five pellets.

* Flechette
- 15 LIFE damage
* Buckshot
- 30 MELE damage
* Rocksalt
- 20 STAMINA loss to target

// Combat //

Combat Settings

Push - Physical push on an avatar, only works in areas that are not push restricted.
Phantom - Bullet turns volume detect, will only collide with avs.
Non Phys - Rezzes a non physical tracker that follows after each projectile, strong against shields.
Scanner - Non physical high speed scanning bullet. NOTE: 96M range.
Direct - Damage is a direct property of the bullet rather than delivered through a kill prim.

Warhead Types

Standard - Regular bullets.
Explosive - Bullet explodes on impact doing splash damage in a 1M radius.
HE Cutter - Detonates on impact, fan shaped 4M kill zone behind point of impact.
Incendiary - Ignites target on impact. No splash damage.
Armor Piercing - Penetrates first object hit.

See item in Second Life
  • Incredible sculpted detail
  • Full combat and roleplay capabilitie
  • Huge selection of weapon accessories and features
  • Hand made sculpts, textures, animations, scripts and FX.
  • Functional grenade launcher and shotgun secondary weapons
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
  • 5 star:
  • 4 star:
  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
Too Old to be good...
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 01, 2019 by MikasaCC

Guess it was created 2009? Thought breach is better in AOs but....

1. No recoil at all
2. When prone, moving your avatar will cause it suddenly standing up...
3. Idle animation is too stupid...(but walking animation is pretty good)

Only pro is the grenade launcher.

Too upset...

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Impressive Work!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 04, 2017 by Separat

Insanely fun gun.

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Awesome weapon, but...
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted February 26, 2017 by WarPsykosis

With the introduction of SL's "complexity" feature, this weapon adds 170,000 complexity -BY ITSELF-. That is, if you are wearing both the gun and holster, your complexity will skyrocket. I wish I had known of this before hand as now, while wearing this, I might become jelly-doll to most who see me. Such a detail should be mentioned.

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Every soldier's toy....
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 21, 2013 by Luca Rowley

Simply put it's badass. The customizeable options take this rifle to a whole new level.. it's literally about 6 rifles in 1 model. You can do everything from close quarter's engagement to long range sniper with built on back up... thanks to the M203 and the 12 gauge. Everyone needs one of these rifles! 20 out of 20 in my book. keep it up Breach!

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Absolute perfection. Enough said.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 05, 2012 by MattyMick

This weapon is everything I imagined it would be and more. I am a HUGE fan of personalizing my guns, and with this, you really can. So many things to change out. 10 out of 5, great job.

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Surprised me and my expectations.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted December 22, 2011 by Mbgunsling Bardach

I fight in LLCS, and as such, Lag is one of the most critical issues. as a general precedent, most people have frowned upon BREACH for lag due to issues regarding the dual MP7 set, back on older scripts. I turned around and bought this thing to test out and customization wise, it kicks that M4's ass, even if it does have less options, the detail of the build is exquisite, and i have yet to see a SCAR that can compare. It even has a usable under slung shotgun and GL, and a functioning bi pod, along with my favorite EOtech, barrel length options and of course, the caliber-change option (saving so much money in the end.)
as for scripts, I found it contained a lot less scripts than the SAC competitor, making it an instant hit. I tested it out and Although it isnt your FRAG M4 streamlined easy weapon, the script time for a gun like that, is Quite neat, sitting around 0.076 at idle (including other stuff i had on) and increasing slowly. it takes a while for the time to cool, but upon Death in LLCS, this isn't that big an issue for the amount it takes to Go too far.
one vendetta i have is the delay time between clicking and the gun actually firing, which turns out to be a solid second. this can be difficult especially when trying to get a quick couple of shots off before having to duck behind cover again. I believe it to be an issue with either the core or rezzer scripts having a lot of functions to process before actually going into the firing state.
all in all, this weapon is perfect for experienced LLCS combatants and is the supreme solution for Rpers. passing in both looks and performance.

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