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Baby Blue Fin Whale Swims Sinuously up to 50 meters Off-Sim -- Spouts and Sings!

Baby Blue Fin Whale Swims Sinuously up to 50 meters Off-Sim -- Spouts and Sings!

° Blue Fin Whale swims up to 50 meters off-sim
° Seamlessly swims on and off-sim
° Natural chaotic swimming behavior, not random
° Sinuous swimming animation
° Spouts with spray and sound at the surface
° Sings when 10 meters or below the water surface
° Animated sun-ripple texture on whale skin
° Dialog to control modes
° Ignores or investigates avatars
° Dives as deep as 50 meters into the Void Sea
° Will work on “Sky Water” next to a skybox
° Made from 7 Sculpted parts working together
° Low lag, scripted non-physical object

Thanks for your interest in my Off-Sim Blue Fin Whale!

If you live on the edge of a sim with a view of the Void Sea, you probably have taken advantage of this by installing “off-sim sim extenders” to improve the view. There are rocks, icebergs, islands, waves and other things you can place out there.

Now you can set up a Blue Fin Whale to patrol the waters up to 50 meters off the edge of your property! And if you have Linden Water on-sim, this 15 meter whale will seamlessly cross back and forth across the edge. 15 meters is short for a blue fin whale, in RL they can be over twice that long! Every time the whale swims up to the surface you will hear the explosive breath and see the spout! It likes diving deep and will sing whale-song when below 10 meters under water. A dialog sets the mode and range of the whale. Unlike many other off-sim fish that swim in circles or other simple patterns, this whale swims in a natural looking chaotic pattern that never repeats, but is not random. In investigate mode, the whale will turn towards avatars to check them out. A basically gentile creature, it tries to turn away at the last moment but may bump you on the way by. Ocean Engineering off-sim kayaks, surfboards, sailboat, body surfing and Jesus Boots can put your avatar off-sim so you can now go whale watching! You can surf an off-sim wave with a whale breaching out of the water to investigate you! This whale will swim in an area up to 50 meters in radius around the point where you rez it. Finally, you can even set up this whale to work on “Sky Water” up next to your skybox. The combination of all sculpted parts and complex behavior makes this whale look incredibly interesting with only 8 prims!

Visit the Ocean Engineering Store, Find links to my stores at http://magic.kayaker.net

Best Location for a Whale:

Rezzing the whale on the corner of an island sim gives it the largest off-sim area to swim in. If there is water on-sim at that corner, it will have even more places to go. Another good place for this whale is the middle of the edge of a sim, especially at the mouth of a bay or cove. The whale will swim in and out of the bay. Rezing it in the middle of a large lake or bay will give it a large on-sim area to swim in.

If you rez the whale onto the ground within 10 meters of the edge of the sim, it will move to the edge and start 10 meters off-sim. If you plant it in the water more than 10 meters from the edge it will start on-sim and travel off-sim if it can swim that far. If you rez it on the ground far from the edge, it will refuse to work and will disappear. If the edge of your sim has ground too high above the water, the whale will refuse to work and will disappear. If you rez your whale more than 100 meters above the ground, it goes into Sky Water mode. It starts by assuming the surface it was rezed on is the surface of the water. If you install Ocean Engineering “Sky Water”, the whale will use that as the water surface.

Controlling your whale:

Only the owner of the whale may control it, if other avatars touch it they will be ignored. Left-clicking on your whale brings up a dialog. This dialog tells you the current range and mode of the whale, where it will swim, what it will do when it sees avatars and how far it will swim from the starting point. Below the dialog has buttons that change these modes. Note that the text above tells the current mode and the text on the buttons below tells the mode the whale will go into AFTER you press the button. If you fail to respond to the dialog in 20 seconds, the whale will warn you and ignore the dialog. If you still want to control the whale, you must IGNORE that dialog box and request a new one by left-clicking the whale again.The dialog has the following buttons:

IGNORE/INVESTIGATE: Respond to nearby avatars
RADIUS+/-1: How large an area to swim in
DEPTH+/-1: How deep to go in the Void Sea
ON-OFF-SIM: Limit swimming area
HELP: Brings up a notecard.

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Seamlessly swims on and off-sim
  • Natural chaotic swimming behavior, not random
  • Spouts with spray and sound at the surface
  • Sings when 10 meters or below the water surface
  • Will work on “Sky Water” next to a skybox
Average rating: full star full star full star half star empty star
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Hope floats!
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted November 09, 2018 by Liam Winchester

Whale is segmented and moves like a sluggish sand worm, but it's got its own charm. I enjoy watching it surface & spout. And I love hearing the whale sounds when it sings. Works fine on my corner SIM. Also, can be set to investigate avatars.

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it's ok
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted December 13, 2012 by MissTulia

it swims, it spouts.. ok. But the movements are jerky and the textures don't stay put.
Not worth the 500L i spent. Maybe 100 or 200.

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