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Batty Light String (Scripted Twinkle Lights)

Batty Light String (Scripted Twinkle Lights)

Tiny, cute and impossibly round these wee bats are here to delight and light.

2 x Mesh Light Strings decorated with tiny, chubby bats and red bulbs. 1 light strand set is unscripted (just glows) the other is scripted with 5 lighting level choices. 1 LI (per strand), Copy & Modify (scripts and HUD unpacker are set to Copy only).

The light strand marked with (NS) at the end has no scripts whilst the one marked (S) contains a lighting script. These are easy to use, just rez the light strand and touch to bring up the lighting menu. From here you can choose your preferred lighting level.

I was asked by a friend to make a set of bat themed twinkle lights and this was my attempt at just that. I decided to go with tennis ball shaped, adorable and impossible bats as the shape delighted me. In between each chubby bat is a little bright red bulb. The light cast from this light strand is the same red as the wee bulbs (hecking bright red).

Enjoy and don't forget to leave a review.

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  • Mesh Light String with Tiny Cute Bats
  • Scripted with 5 Lighting Options (Off, Glow, 25%, 50% or 100%)
  • Chubby Bats!!!
  • Clicky, Subtle Light Switch Sound on Touch
  • 1 Land Impact. Copy/Modify (Scripts & HUD unpacker set to Copy Only)