This Hacienda have 9 suites and 2 penthouses each with a private balcony, you access your room by an elegant staircase.
Included in this pack:
- Beachfront Club Hacienda (rezzer)
- Lm of my store
- This note
Not included:
- vehicules, furnitures, trees and plants
Perms: Mod, Copy, No Trans (all scripts are copy only)
Prims: 286
Size: 35m x 27m, fits on a 4096 sqm
Installation :
Just rezz the Beachfront Club Hacienda (rezzer) on the middle of your parcel border, face your land and rotate the rezzer so the picture with balcony's facing you, click it and select build, then when its done you could move or rotate the hacienda by moving or rotate the rezzer if you need so, If you ever need to remove the hacienda just clic on the rezzer and select clean. To lock the hacienda in place clic the box and select done,doing that will remove position scripts in the build so you will no longer be able to move it with the rezzer and you will no longer be able to use the function clean. When your satisfy with the position, and after clicking done you could hide or delete the rezzer.
If you need any help with the Hacienda, contact me inworld by IM
Have fun with it,
Carl Landfall
Incubo Design
- 9 Suites with private Balcony
- 2 Penthouses with private Balcony
- Nice staircase
- fits on a 4096 sqm