This 3D Beautiful Dreamer Dreamcatcher sculpture features a pentacle in the center (not to be confused with the pentagram), for extra protection. Typically you want to hang dreamcatchers in the window so they will capture those bad dreams trying to come in, but this does also look gorgeous on Xcite! products in skyboxes. ;) We hope you like it!
This dream brought to SL was made with love, is all regular prim with 2 flexi prims, and is all copy/mod. The whole thing also rotates very slowly, so as to catch the breeze and mesmerize.
If you have any questions or comments before leaving feedback, feel free.
Thank you and enjoy beautiful dreams!
-Lilith & Samael ♥ :)
MajikVixen (BlueVioletVixen Lorefield)
ਹөƞ ƇƸяתߎɳŋøϟ (joncernunnos)
Owners of ^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats)
Group Key: 0dceeb4c-62ab-9436-ca6a-5f46106681b4
- Prim/Flexi
- Animated (Rotates Very Slowly)