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Bat Snuggles Version 2

Bat Snuggles

[23:02] MajikVixen (bluevioletvixen.lorefield): It's alive, I tell you, alive!
[23:03] JonCernunnos: How fitting, our own little warped spawn!
[23:03] MajikVixen (bluevioletvixen.lorefield): Off to spread warmth and joy to all the travelers of Nod and celestial betweens
[23:03] JonCernunnos: That's what the MP does, is expedite.
[23:03] JonCernunnos: ...Soon it will be grown and going off to college... spawning little bat-pies of its own
[23:04] MajikVixen (bluevioletvixen.lorefield): Oh, the thorns of motherhood!
[23:04] JonCernunnos: I think she takes after you! XD
[23:04] MajikVixen (bluevioletvixen.lorefield): He has your eyes! XD
[23:05] JonCernunnos: Let's just see what the people think of that
[23:05] MajikVixen (bluevioletvixen.lorefield): ;)

We hope you like it!

Our wearable Bat Snuggles doll was made with love, especially for you, and is scripted with a hold animation. Each Sculpted/Mesh piece is copy/mod so you can customize it to your liking.

If you have any questions or comments before leaving feedback, feel free.

Thank you and sleep tight, our Goth fiends!

-Lilith & Samael ♥ :)

MajikVixen (BlueVioletVixen Lorefield)
ਹөƞ ƇƸяתߎɳŋøϟ (joncernunnos)
Owners of ^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats)

Group Key: 0dceeb4c-62ab-9436-ca6a-5f46106681b4


See item in Second Life
  • Sculpted/Prim/Mesh
  • Wearable (Animated Holding Pose)