Make it your own! FULL PERMISSIONS!
Think how sharp and decitant you will look for him or her!
❤ 100% MESH FULL PERM Bell ❤
❤ Full perm script for bell ringer walker
❤ Ring on walk | fly | run (checks avatar animation for LOWLAG)
❤ Ring+URL giver on touch(different sound possible) ❤ whisper notify of who touched your new jewelry!
❤ Customizable features.
❤ Optional note-card config.
❤Bell shape probability of ring from Gaussian+Box-Muller transform Randomizer (bit of math so its not anyyoing)
Just want to remind everyone to reset the script when ya got it first or when you need settings read. I have noy added a on_rez event as this would needlessly take memory. Scripts keep their state across owners transfers and re-logging unless resest/resaved. =o
(Prim rings see second pic, if you like the bystine ring look see my earing and collar set)
- Full perm script for bell ringer
- whisper notify of who touched you
- Ring on walk | fly | run
- 100% MESH FULL PERM Bell
- Optional note-card config.
Love this product!
It's not ringing or jiggling but it DINGS! Ding! Ding! Works only when walking, but not when you dance. I wish it works with other avatar movements too.
a big nope
its just 5L,ok, but the sound is terrible - as other review said.- old guy saying "you rang!" - and its not so easy to mod as well.. -waste of time and money.
0 Stars
It's not at all what it says. It's some old guy saying "You Rang?" It's not a jingle at all.
The best bell! The best price!
Looks amazing and I love the bell jingle! Scripts are very easy to read too!
Remember to reset the script for it to work!
Thank you!