Bonker Stilettos with Feet :: White ~ Colorable
White leather stilettos with buckled ankle straps.
Fine thin 5 inch high-heels, and almond rounded toes.
Deep toes with built-in sole stacks.
Photo realistic texture for skin.
Easy to use Color HUD for Skin Tone and Shoes,
... is nothing complicated, instructions included.
Ready to Wear : Sized and Fitted
Copiable, so can add to many outfits
Modify, Customize in normal edit
Resize Linkset with Delete
Alpha Foot Layer, makes feet invisible
Comes in Copiable Bag with Note
Photos included, to see before you wear
- Sculpted Feet & Stilettos
- Colorable Shoes & Feet
- Realistic Textures
- Copy & Modify
- Alpha Foot Layer
I don't think you could give Blackburn's a bad review on any of their items. I just love these heels. I can change the color to anything, They are my go to shoes!! Again a wonderful product. I will always buy from you! Thank Thank you.
These shoes are wonderful.I can make them any color I want and for the price these shoes can't be beat!