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Bladencat Felyne Texture

Bladencat Felyne Texture

A nice Felyne texture for the FREE Bladencat avatar! Get your Prowler going on adventure.

This texture requires the ABSOLUTELY FREE Bladencat avatar:

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Looks good, needs instructions.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 26, 2020 by Daerelyn

Me, as a new SL player, i was struggling to put the textures on the model. You need to unequip the body, and apply the texture on the body, if you use the texture while using the body you cant use the texture. Deequip first and then texture it, and then equip again. Good res and very detailed and accurate. We need a Grimkalyne texture for Bladencat!

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A nice Bladencat texture
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted January 04, 2018 by Lucyfoot

A simple texture mod that just gives fans of Monster Hunter that little extra fun.

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