Thank you for your interest in Vienna Freebies freebies.
Vienna Freebies(R) was the Brand Name of the biggest Freebie Collection in Second Life.
Started in the year 2006 it was Community Gateway and starting place for thousands of new residents.
There where the sims Wien, Salzburg and Deutschland Startinsel and hosted
3 Community Gateways with the best success rates on the Lindenlab Program.
Thousands of newbies and visitors every day, shops, events and many more,
you can look at the pictures in second life and the internet to feel the spirit.
And now i decide to bring back the feeling of vienna freebies, back to Second Life Marketplace.
I will add in the future more an more of the thousand of freebies.
Every freebie is sold copy/notrans.
If you are interested, contact Holger Gilruth and you can get caspervend vendors
with our freebie products for your own store so you can bring back the spirit to second life land in your own store.
Creators also can contact Holger Gilruth to have their freebies listed here, donations are also really appriciated.
If you want to stay updated please join our Vienna Freebies Group in Second Life
Questions, please contact Holger Gilruth directly via IM (not notecard)
See item in Second Life- Vienna Freebies
- Wedding
These avatars were made by Wingless Emoto and this product doesn't even bother giving them credit. You can get ALL these avatars and more COMPLETELY FREE from the original creator here:
It works great
For a older model it looks great, no disappearing or nothing like that lol damn anyway it's fine and worth a try for anyone wanting to try a furry for the 1st time, it has both male and female versions
Something nice, I liked it personally, not that great, But for some reason it dissappeared, And i can't get it.