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Box ~*~ Valentine's Day ~*~ "Animated Card" by Lucylla Seerose

Box ~*~ Valentine's Day ~*~  "Animated Card"  by Lucylla Seerose

Biglietto di auguri per San Valentino animato!
Si indossa, l'animazione, le gift animate, la canzone completa "Gnash - I Hate U, I Love U ft. Olivia O' Brien" e i cuoricini emitter ne fanno un biglietto unico e speciale per un San Valentino memorabile!

Sorry for my English, I use a translator.

Animated Valentine's Day Greeting Card!
Wear it or ADD, the animation, the animated gift, the full song "Gnash - I Hate U, I Love U ft. Olivia O 'Brien" and the hearts emitter make it a unique and special ticket for a memorable Valentine's Day!

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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GREAT! Wonderful!!! Complimento è fantastico!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 14, 2022 by celeste04

Acquisto effettuato oggi ( ne ho comprati 3 essendo solo trasferibili ho preferito tenerne due in più) per regalarlo al mio partner insieme a un altro regalo. L'ha apprezzato tantissimo ed è veramente fantastico. La musica è molto bella ed è indicata. Complimenti!
Purchase made today (I bought 3 being only transferable I preferred to keep two more) to give it to my partner along with another gift. He loved it and it is truly fantastic. The music is very beautiful and is indicated. Congratulations!

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