★★★ Caligula Sports Wear ★★★
<><><> W A R N I N G <><><>
This Item is compatible and works ONLY with AESTHETIC Advanced Mesh Body of Niramyth Productions (www.niramyth.com), and will NOT fit SL default avatar.
★ High Quality Product
★ Apparel Fitted Mesh
★ Accessories 100% Mesh Non Rigged
★ Baseball Cap unrigged
★ Sunglasses
★ Leather Necklace
★ Muscle Shirt fitted
★ Sweat Pants fitted
★ Tactical Watch
★ Bracelet
★ Tennis Shoes unrigged (no base, resize to your feet after hover body to 51)
★ Permissions: Apparel "C" Accessories "C/M"
NB: We recommend that you Hover your avatar body to "51"
For much more products, please visit our inworld SL New York Shopping Center @ San Bernardino Sim
Kind Regards,
CA Team
♥ AWESOME ♥ design by Caligula
I knew this designer on my old account. Bought all his army stuff. (unfortunatly i was hacked and lost everything....) When i started over wth a new avi, an Aestheatic one, i was so happy to see he was designing for it as well..... And once again i was totally euforic when i bought them. This design is also a GREAT one of the entire collection...... Its SAD that u can only give 5 stars, because this one defenitly deserves more! Keep it going Caligula!! You do AWESOME work!