Welcome to *your* newest fantasy!
Designed for fun ~ This costume outfit set includes all that you see in the posted photo besides the exception of hair, makeup, and shoes.
In this boxed outfit you'll find:
Shell Top
Flower Chest Necklace Collar
Mesh Tail
Mesh Tail Alpha
Float Animation
Swim Animation
Fish Friends Attachments Lower Legs
Fish Friends Attachments Upper Legs
as well as Lush and Lolas Tango/Mirage/Delicq Appliers.
~ Please Note~ When you wear your new outfit please add each item so they end up in the proper position. <3
~ Caged Butterfly ~ For all questions, on fitting, resizing, or anything at all about Caged Butterfly please send MarilynMae Resident a note card so that I may help you as soon as possible ~please note~ my instant messages tend to get capped.
~ If you have any problems with delivery, you can check on your order status by going to your account screen on Marketplace - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/account - Once there click on “Order History” to get details. This should let you know the status of your order as well as any problems Marketplace had delivering it.
~ You may ask a refund when you make a double purchase (purchasing same product more than twice) by sending a note card to MarilynMae Resident with a clear record of your transaction history (Please copy and paste transaction information). There are no refunds on copy items.
~ Thank you for your purchase and enjoy!... <3 MarilynMae
The lady loves it
Great product
Great seller, product not so great.
I really like the breast shells and the little fish, but the tail is too short and small. It looks odd. The seller was great though helping me out with the rezzing and unpacking. Really fast and nice.