G General

Chess with Chairs from Rita Munro(boxed)

Chess with Chairs from Rita Munro(boxed)

Chess board with 2 Chairs:
The chairs find their positions automatically next the table.

If you sit on them, you will be put to the appropriate sight position by a script.

Just rezz and play!
(of course the chess play script is included in the package as well)


  • Chess
  • board and 2 chairs
  • scripted game
  • view board
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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what the what? this thing has a MASSIVE land impact!
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted May 13, 2024 by crazytwilight

really nice table and it does work great but the ACTUAL land impact of this thing is 264 with table, both chairs and all the pieces. that is more than my entire house. would have been nice to know that when I bought it. just be aware if you buy it that the land impact is NOT zero! it is also delivered boxed and needs to be unpacked

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