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Chey's Smart Buckets of Water

Chey's Smart Buckets of Water

Note: I corrected perms listing in text because of a review of this product. Buckets are no transfer. Scripts are full perm.

About Chey's Smart Buckets of Water

Hydrating Second Life Since 2007


Four versions:

Old wood

Scripted. I have set the scripts full perm, as they are public domain. Feel free to experiment with the scripts in your own builds.

Available galvanized, and in steel and wood

It's a simple bucket of water.

But it's a SMART bucket of water.

Tell it /1 hide and it's an empty bucket.
Tell it /1 show and it's a full bucket.

Chat /1 private or /1 public to set control to, respectively, anyone or only you. It's a feature of the scripts you might not need, but it's there if you wish to use it.


The galvanized version can be viewed on our beautiful (and dangerous!) sim Whimsy, but with scripts disabled.


Feel free to explore the sims; for more locations, see Cheyenne Palisades' picks.

See item in Second Life
  • Moving Water
  • Water vanishes and reappears via chat
  • Scripts are set to full perm
  • To save sim resources, remove script if you don't need chat feature
  • Four versions!
Average rating: full star full star empty star empty star empty star
  • 5 star:
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  • 1 star:
Buyer Beware!
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 09, 2016 by Prokofy Neva

This creator has set the SCRIPTS on full perms i.e. transfer and copy BUT NOT THE BUCKETS. The buckets are not full perm and not on transfer.

They are fine for what they are (not mesh) especially the galvanized one, but they are not for "use in your creations" but only end use, unless you have a hankering to have water that is scripted "public" or "private" -- something I am baffled about. What could the possible use case for this be?!

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