Clover - Whistler (add me)
![Clover - Whistler (add me)](
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♥ Intro ♥
Do you have a song stuck in your head, and want to get it stuck in everyone elses head? Do you love sporadic whistling and creating melodies at the drop of a hat? Well now your avatar can whistle whatever tune you are feeling! This is a fully interactive whistling system, with bento head/mouth animations, sounds for each whistling note, and an interactive HUD to play your sounds.
♥ How to use ♥
1. Attach the Whistler item.
2. Click on a key on the keyboard to play a desired sound...
Sounds very synthetic and unnatural. Usually like the stuff they make here, but this one isn't that great unfortunately. You get a keyboard hud with different tones of sound and for other stuff it might work out, but for whistling I wouldn't reccomend.