CobraTech Photo Contest System (Model Contest, Picture Contest, Voting System)
Elegant and full featured high end Photo/Model Contest System (PCS).
Feature your own (short or long term) Model or Photo Contest with up to 128 Photo Boards. Decide wether you offer free or paid joining and/or voting. Decide how many votes are allowed and who you add as host to manage your system. Decide on how to split the prize (L$ and/or item prize) and many options more.
This highly flexible system allows you to set your own contest rules in nearly every aspect.
PCS - Another CobraTech High Quality Product
Demo System available at CobraTech Main Store (Isle of Ecstasy)
Updated Feb 2019 / Photo Boards
Updated Feb 2009 / V1.25
Updated Sep 2009 / additional german docu (zusätzlich mit deutscher Doku)
Features CobraTech Photo Contest System
* Fully menu controlled
* Very easy setup (rez and go)
* Free-join and pay-to-join mode
* Free vote or payed voting mode
* Separate Joining/Voting phase New 1.25]
* Set number of permitted votes (1,3,5,10,15,25,50 or even unlimited (only payed vote mode)) per person and day
* Set join and voting fee by menu
* Set a prize item or L$ or even both as prize
* Configurable Prize Split (1-3 winners with adjustable percentage split of prize money)
* Top 3 winner mode with custom split percentage for winner (even top winner or top 2 winner is possible)
* Restrict joining to group or permit everyone
* In free to join mode, system automatically restricts aquiring of a photo board to one per person
* Top 5 contestant display (transfer) with name, votes, picture
* Own top display logo/texture can easily be set
* Up to 128 contestant/photo boards
* Photo board can be aquired by contestant by paying either a fee (payed mode) or touching it (free mode)
* Automatic loading of profile picture
* Manual loading of own picture by contestant
* Picture can be changed anytime during the contest
* Display your own logo/default texture
* Does not permit self votes (both modes)
* Fully manageable by assigned hosts
* Fully manageable by contestant
* Add new boards anytime during the contest
* Winner list can be send automatically to a distinct avatar after winner selection
* Pay and increase a prize anytime
* Central Access list (add hosts who are allowed to manage the top 5 board and photo boards)
* Publically announces and displays the winner(s), informs the winner and shows a firework
* Dynamic menu operated (only those options appear which are appropriate)
* Up to 128 contestants and 1400 voters per day
* Crash Proof Data Storage Technology (CPDST)
* Configurable defaults Settings
* Announcement Volume (say, shout)
* Preset a Prize automatically (host does not need to pay the contest board)
* Preset Join Fee
* Preset Vote Fee
* Send top 5 winner list including votes to an avatar you define
* Set a prize split percentage
* Define duration of win countdown (to increase the tension during winner selction a little)
* Owner Administration Menu
* Get updated docu
* Update Menu
* Repair Textures/Coloring
* Full Board Reset
* Inform Owner about "income" at end of contest New 1.25]
* Share income with a partner New 1.25]
* Info/Advertisement Mode when no contest is active. Allows you to display your own messages up to 5 lines and
about 30 cycling pages (configurable headline (20 chars), configurable text (5 lines a 30 chars)).
* Automatic Lifetime Update Delivery System
* You can provide a notecard named "Photo Contest Rules" which is send to the contestants clicking the buttons "Rules". Elaborated default Help&Rules is included on delivery.
* Completely in Mono
* 31 Prims (Top 5 Board/Server) + 1 Prim per Photo Board
* 2 styles of Photo Boards (copy & modify)
Note: Server/Top 5 Board/Server is transfer, Photo Boards are copyable/no transfer.
If you intent to pass it to another person/account, please buy it as gift.
Photo Contest Board / Picture Contest System / Model Contest System
CobraTech for all your scripting needs
Visit us at CobraTech (Isle of Ecstasy)
- Feature rich, highly reliable Photo Contest System
- Flexible use
- Automatic free Updates
Thank you!!Great suport ,Great product!!
I was very upset when I needed to use this product at my club after some time away from SL and discovered that I had lost a box of old items that were not copies. I wrote a bad review out of anger, but I was quickly contacted by support offering help, I bought some things in this store, including the employe time clock where I had the same problem a few years ago, I lost them and support kindly returned the product to me. The products are great and work very well and I just have to thank for all the support given to me, thank you and once again I apologize for being so impetuous!!
no automatic redelivery is a major fault
have had board in inentory and when i pack it out to use it does not work