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Cone of Lght Boxed

Cone of Lght Boxed
Cone of Lght Boxed
2 Reviews

A cone of light streaming down from above. Accent an area or highlight an entrance. Lovely effect for any underwater locale.

  • animated light column
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Worked very well for me! Thank you!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 06, 2020 by Jenn Seabrink

This worked very well for me! It was coincidentally the exact height as the depth of my underwater grotto! I think I'm very picky about what I'll use on my sim, and the rotation of this cone's lighting seems very organic and not-cheesy to me. I'm glad I took a chance on it despite the other review, because it really adds a lot of mystery and intrigue to my underwater Poseidon sculpture. I would be willing to spend a lot more for a version with copy permissions. :)

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 11, 2020 by Saer Genosse

If it was mod I would have bought more and used it in my underwater sim. As it is it's too short to look real, my water is deeper than this prim. Great effort, but only usable in certain locations. Gorgeous texture!

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L$ 120

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Malaika Mermaids
Sold by: Shanna Sungsoo

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