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Cotton Candy - Eating animation and messy face

Cotton Candy - Eating animation and messy face

Comes with 4 animated cotton candy in the colors shown (green, blue, pink, purple), and tattoo layer for a messy face that goes with the color of your candy!

Transferrable so you can share with your friends.


*Matching color tattoo for messy face look
*Animation is embedded in object so when you wear it, you stand and eat it.
*Transferrable so you can share the other 3 with your friends.

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 20, 2016 by Roshambo Dench

Says it's transfer, but only let's you transfer the cottoncandy but not the messy face layers. :(

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Ok, but
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted April 20, 2012 by Aislinn Hutchinson

Would be nicer if it came with a face animation when you bite it.

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