Couples Animated Bar Stool "Danish Modern" (18 anims) Version 6.1
Danish Modern Couples Animated Bar Stool in Curly Maple and Chrome
This couples animated pose stool makes a great home furnishing or decor accent. The unique motif is ideal for kitchen counter, home entertainment area and pool-side. It's also perfect for any club or bar. The stool is loaded with eighteen (18) high-quality animations for male and female avatars; including couples animations. There is a robust adjustment tool for personalizing the animation positions and rotations to fit any avatar using the stool; the adjustment for each pose is stored individually and recalled when the avatar sits.
This is *not* a "static pose" stool, all the poses are quality animations. Visit our in-world store to see a demonstration of one of our animated stools.
★ Main image is the listed product. Alternate images, illustrating animations and features, may have been photographed using other versions of the product.
★ NEW in version 6.0: Auto-rezzing drinks for drinking animations can be held by pressing "Yes".
▶ Drink giver supplies 9 different wearable drinks.
▶ Auto-rezzing props: Appropriate props (drinks) are rezzed on the bar for appropriate poses
▶ No pose balls: No unsightly pose balls to clutter up your home or business
▶ Ease of use: Features are menu assisted, no notecards to edit
▶ Low Prims: Only three (3) prims are required
▶ Position Adjustment: Menu assisted adjustments to fit each avatar that uses the stool
▶ 18 Animations: 10 Female, 4 Male and 4 Couples
▶ 100% MESH
▶ Lifetime Free Upgrades
▶ Animated Bar Stool with shadow: 3 LI
▶ A 1-prim 2-sided bar typical of those found in west coast jazz clubs such as the Lighthouse in Hermosa Beach, CA.
▶ Rez the Stool
Note: For full functionality you need to rez in a script-enabled region.
▶ To sit hover your mouse over the stool and click when you see the "sit" icon.
Alternate: Sit by Right-clicking the stool and selecting "Sit Here" from the context menu.
Note: You will be provided with an animation menu. If you close that menu just touch the stool again to get another.
▶ After you are seated you may change the animation by selecting from the menu.
Note: There are sub-menus for Singles, Male, Female and Couples animations.
Note: Some animations will rez appropriate props.
Note: You may obtain wearable drinks by pressing the "[Get Drinks]" button on the menu.
▶ If when you are seated, another avatar sits, the animation will automatically change to the first Couples animation in the Couples menu.
▶ To adjust the position or rotation of the animations press the "[ADJUST]" button.
Note: The position and rotation for each animation is saved individually for each avatar that uses the stool.
(Be sure to save the new position by pressing the "[SAVE]" button.)
- Drinks are automatically rezzed on the bar for you to hold
- Rezable props: Automatically rezzed drinks for appropriate animations
- Pose Adjustment: Menu driven pose adjustments to fit your avatar size
- 18 animations included: 10 female, 4 male and 4 couples
- Lifetime Free Upgrades