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Cows (Cow)

Cows (Cow)

These cool animated B & W cows bring life to your
The cows have got 4, the lying down version 6
movements. 5 different cow sounds complete the
lifelike feeling.

High quality Mesh makes them very photo-realistic.
Create atmosphere on your parcel now!


LI of 4 movement version: 6
LI of 6 movement lying down version: 8
Remark: if you have a week graphics card or your graphic settings in the viewer are too low, and you look from further away, you might see black-and-white triangles instead of the cows.
[As a special fun bonus, i have added 2 bonuses:
• Animated brown cows with 3 movements
• "Cash Cow". This cows will "fertilize" the ground
with money, when you click them. This bonuses will
only be included for a short time.]

The cows are young and have not developed udders

See item in Second Life
  • Beautiful Mesh Cows
  • Animated
  • 5 different Cow sounds
  • 4 cow movements
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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  • 4 star:
  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
They are fine but ...
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted November 08, 2019 by Miyu Gant

Do not notice me in detail in this cow, the animations are very good, the sounds of a cow, textures are great, they impress and they look very good ... but I am noticing that these do not have nipples where they are milked, they breastfeed to their young ... that point I think was a notable notable error xD

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seems so real
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 11, 2017 by DiMazing Starsider

am loving these cows but wished they did stand still instead of moving their legs. loving the sounds and yes, they sound like the real thang. wish they were more colors to use but I just rezzed em out and put them in different directions and such and they are looking amazing on the farm and very happy with the other farm critters.

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amasing qaulity and amasing price!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 02, 2017 by fluffylittlellama

thankyou these are awsome! the cash cow gave me a heck of a laugh

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 10, 2016 by missmissyd1992

They look great in my zoo

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