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-D- Ripples pants DEMO

-D- Ripples pants DEMO
-D- Ripples pants DEMO

Dance dance dance, with heat
Move move move with the beat
Well well well with a shine
Attract and conquere someone's eyes.

A pretty neat shiny latex hotpant, so everyone can melt in the sight of it.

This pants for Maitreya lara body, is a mesh one. In the normal version you can choose within 30 colors for the the lining, and for the pants, as well picking the color's reflexion of the satined fabrics.
Remember it's just a demo here.

Requiere advance lighting enable on your viewer, and you might enjoy it better with a light box/reflexion box.

We recommand with it the Locked Corset, from us. You can test the demo of the corset with the side's link.

  • A neat pant
  • compatible with the locked corset
  • DEMO
  • use advance lights for the reflection
  • For Maitreya Lara mesh body

L$ 0

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Sold by: Sophinaria

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Works with Maitreya Avatars
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  • User Licensed
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Mesh: 100% Mesh, Fitted Mesh