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Each detail was chosen with great love to create this backdrop. Retro style, but using current objects and materials.
There are no poses.
100% Original Mesh - 30 Prim
Enabled Materials
[X] Advanced Lighting Model (enabled)
Questions send notecard to erikankika
See item in Second LifeIts .. okay
Most backdrops now adays are.. .Copy Mod, This is not, so its a one time use for me then i trash it, because i dont keep prims on my land i put them in a rez box so it saves on prims, .. and i can't do that with this one... maybe consider setting to Mod also? this way .. others will shop at your stuff more then once? .. just a suggestion.. but.. its only 69L.. so.. *Shurgs*.. get what you pay for, for that price, a throw away, isn't bad i guess.
This backdrop is adorable , very nicely made charming perfert little set for many many photos! The first reviewer is right the photos do not do this justice! Great job!!!!
Pictures dont do this one justice
This backdrop has so much detail and i love the little coffee pod shelf :D