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*D&D* GD11- Psycho Gundam MK1 1:15 Standard Edition & 1:7 Mega Edition (BOXED) Version 20120604

*D&D* GD11- Psycho Gundam MK1 1:15 Standard Edition & 1:7 Mega Edition (BOXED)

GD11-MRX-009-S/M “Psycho Gundam MK1”
1:15 Standard Edition & 1:6 Mega Edition (Double pack)

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This Avatar’s:
Standard Edition is about 8’2 ft (2.5m) height
Mega Edition is about 22'9 ft (7m) height (Macro Avatar, supported by macro AO within box)

. Mega Edition is base on Deform-system imbedded in Mega AO. Macro-Avatars base on deform tech. are not perfect, there’s a few bugs can’t be solved:
. Height issue: after TP or login, avatar always tends to sink a bit into ground until you change/edit shape once.
. There can be some animation “glitch” when script trying to update the deform-anime once per 5 seconds. This happens more often, when avatar is hovering in mid-air.
. Camera-control codes embedded in Mega Edition, to give a better view as a giant avatar. Entering/leaving mouse-look may cause camera position error. Should this occurs, transform on/off once will allow the camera position fix itself.
. Normal Weapons can not be used by Mega Avatars. Although the mega edition has it’s own weapon, it’s always in SAFE MODE (GVG system) and combat with mega edition is highly not recommended, since it’s hard for you to hit your opponent, and it’s also hard for your opponent to hit you.
. Deform-fixer is not provided. If you want to restore your avatar after deformed by the Mega Edition, please detatch the Mega AO fist, then, either log out, or find a Deform-fixer to fix the deform (many sandbox has it).

Avatar is: -M+C-T
Weapon/Booster is : +M+C-T
Scripts inside are: -M+C-T

Model includes: (parts / attach point)

GD11- Psycho Gundam MK1 Standard Edition & Mega Edition
. Head (skull)
. Armor (chest)
. Booster Backpack (Spine / Gen-2 Booster system (lite))
. Upper Arm Armor (L/R Upper arm)
. Forearm Armor (L/R Fore arm)
. Hands (L/R hands) (Range weapon bundled in. Mega edition has hands bundled with Forearms)
(With 2 versions: Weapon-Hands and non-weapon, normal hands)
. Pelvis Armor (pelvis)
. Upper Leg Armor (L/R Upper Leg)
. Lower Leg Armor (L/R Lower Leg)
. Foot Armor (L / R Foot)
. Body Shape, clothes and Hair

. GD11X Mega-particle cannons (Range weapon. bundled in Right Hand)
. GD11X Psy-Shield (Defense system. Also as the main part for complete the Aero mode "Mobile Fortress" transformation.)

HUD system
. Uni-HUD V5.42
. Color Changer HUD
. Warrior AO male V2.37b (demo)
(With Standard version and Mega version)

GD11X- Mega-Particle Cannons User Guide
. Provides 4 attacks in normal mode, and 2 levels of charge attacks in aero mode
. Responses to aero-mode transform.

Normal mode:
. When Psycho Gundam is not transformed, 4 attacks available:

L-mouse key (hold) = Ready stance (RS): Stance before attacks. (Locks avatar movement until L-mouse key is released)

. (1) Finger Cannons: (RS) + Forward (or W key)
Shoots beams form fingers
Damage (GVG): 10B + 10B (*MHHQ damage = 1/10 GVG damage, trims to integer)
Energy cost: 12%
Distance: 15m Range: ~.15 pi

. (2) Single barrel Particle Beam: (RS) + Shift + Left (or A key)
Shoot P-beam from gundam’s left hand. Fast and low EN cost.
Damage (GVG): 10B
EN cost: 6%
Distance: 20m Range: ~.12 pi

. (3) Beam Gatling gun: (RS) + Shift + Right (or D key)
Shoot BG from gundam’s right hand.
Damage (GVG): 5I + 5I + 5I + 5I
EN cost: 8%
Distance: 10m Range: ~.2 pi

. (4) Triple-barrel Mega-Particle Beam Cannon: (RS) + Backward (or S key)
Shoot MP Beam from gundam’s chest cannons.
Causes high and continues damage.
You can change rotation during attack and hits multiple targets.
Damage (GVG): 12B per hit, 2 hit per second. About 6 hits per attack.
EN cost: 40%
Distance: 40m Range: ~.15 pi

. (5) Manual Reload: (RS) + PageDown (or C key)
Starts Manual Reload and recharges energy.
Recharge time = ((100% - energy left)*.05 (rounded to integer)) - 1 second
(About 1 ~ 4 second)

. Auto recharge will trigger when there's no energy left
Or when trying to fire, but has not enough energy to trigger a shot
Auto recharge time = 5 sec.

Aero mode:
. When Psycho Gundam is transformed as mobile fortress, 2 levels of charge attacks available:

Start Charge: (RS)
(Release (RS) to fire):
Charge time <=4 seconds: Finger Cannons (same as (1))
Charge time >4 seconds: Triple-barrel Mega-Particle Beam Cannon (same as (4))

See item in Second Life