RC02-ZXC Ride Chaser MK2 "Caliburn" Vehicle Individual Pack
For Full size images, view:
Tutorial video: http://s1301.photobucket.com/user/darkravensilversmith/media/FirestormOS-Beta2014-05-1301-33-43-81_zps49577726.mp4.html
A Ride Chaser / Hovercraft that enables 2 types of transform, and ready for combat (safe & unsafe mode) powered by GVG combat system.
This box includes:
. The Full Version RC (Rez in-world & ride)
. The Display version RC (for decoration)
. Beam Simulator (Attach to avatar, simulates beam/visual effect)
(WARINIG: You'll always need to wear the Beam simulator to view the visual effects from the RC. Combat damage can still be deal even without the Beam simulator.)
Full version includes 3 sizes:
. Small size (fits all D&D's megaman avatar, or other short avatars)
. Medium size (fits all D&D's dahak avatar, or other medium-size avatars)
. Large size (fits all D&D's gundam avatar, or other tall avatars)
The Vehicles are: +M+C-T
Scripts inside are: -M+C-T
. Mode changeable.
Can switch from Ground mode (motorbike-type vehicle)
and Aero mode (plane/gunship-type vehicle)
. Self-Adaptive Prim Animation Transform (SAPAT) Engine included. The item is +MOD, and it will supports change of linkset without breaking down the Prim-Animation. (Read SAPAT modify User guide for more details)
. Combative. Includes 4-levels of charge shot and fully supports GVG combat system v4.0+.
Supports both un-safe and safe mode combat.
. N-way color changeable. Can change multiple color-groups' color from the color-changer HUD.
Operative system U.G.:
Attack Attribute: B=Beam
Ready Stance (RS) = Hold Left Mousekey
Relax Stance (LS) = Release Left Mousekey (or when NOT holding L-mouse key)
(Ground Mode)
. When sit on the RC, it'll automatically enters ground mode.
. Move Forward / Backward = (LS) + Forward / Backward (or W / S key)
. Turn Left / Right = (LS) + Left / Right (or A / D key)
. Strafe Left / Right = (RS) + shift + Left / Right (or A / D key)
. Boost (forward): (LS) or (RS) + PageUp (or E key)
Instantly boost 10m forward
. Reset Position: (LS) + PageDown (or C key)
reset the RC's position, in case of stuck and/or being upside-down.
. Mode change: (RS) + PageDown (or C key)
Switch between Ground mode and Aero Mode
. Charge & Fire: (RS) and then (LS)
Level / Charge time / Damage (GVG)
1 / less than 2 sec. / 5B+5B
2 / >=2 & <4 sec. / 10B+10B
3 / >=4 & <6 sec. / 15B+15B
4 / >=6 sec. / 20B+20B
(Aero Mode)
. Switched from Ground mode. Aero mode provides anti-gravity flying / hovering.
However, the RC's wings will open, and it'll become a larger target, and becomes harder to operate in narrow area.
. Move Forward / Backward = (LS) + Forward / Backward (or W / S key)
. Turn Left / Right = (LS) + Left / Right (or A / D key)
. Strafe Left / Right = (RS) + shift + Left / Right (or A / D key)
. Flying UP: (LS) or (RS) + PageUp (or E key)
. Flying Down: (LS) + PageDown (or C key)
. Mode change: (RS) + PageDown (or C key)
Switch between Ground mode and Aero Mode
. Charge & Fire: (RS) and then (LS) (*same as Ground mode)
Level / Charge time / Damage (GVG)
1 / less than 2 sec. / 5B+5B
2 / >=2 & <4 sec. / 10B+10B
3 / >=4 & <6 sec. / 15B+15B
4 / >=6 sec. / 20B+20B
. The creator of this product is not responsible for any technical error cause by lag or other unauthorized use. Although the scripts are tested for several times, but there can still be some small errors we haven’t noticed. For any major bug, please contact the creator for debugging.
. The creator of this product is responsible for errors caused by insufficient permission setting. If you found any item in this product have any problems of rezzing due to insufficient permission setting, please contact the creator for item updates.
See item in Second LifeYes! :3
I love it and it's super easy to use :3