WP-ZG3- Grand Blade MK3 "Grim Reaper" Weapon Individual pack
(Remastered on 2023/02/23)
Designed for low-lag, realistic-style combat.
A fast, long range, yet slightly lower power grand blade. Better balanced and have more tatics in combat.
Correctly combos the light & heavy attacks allows you to perform powerful EX-combo skills.
"Berserker Mode" allows automatically attacks enemies around, while you can move freely.
. On/Off Toggle via HUD/sheath
. Realistic combat style, chain-able combo attacks
. safe/unsafe mode available
. n-way Color-changeable via HUD
Bladeflare dynamically changes color following the blade's main color.
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (requires GVG system 2.22b or higher)
non-rez type of combat that allow you combat even in no-build sims.
. Self-adaptable blades. Won't break down even when changing linksets. Feel free to add
more details and customize your own weapon!
. Weapon + sheath (2 types) + Display Weapon
* (Small Size & Large Size)
. HUDs
. User guides
. Small size set: fits for all Megaman avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. Large size set: fits for all Gundam / Dragon avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. For other extra large/ extra small avatars, you'll need to use modify permission to fit it in.
Energy Converter:
Builds up 1% energy when user gets hit during battle.
Poison status: Each normal attack has 5% chance of causing poison effect, stealing your enemie's HP durnig combat.
( w / W : weak / Strong wood element damage (GVGCS4+) )
Normal Attacks:
Ready Stance (RS) = Left Mouse-button (hold)
.(RS) + Forward (Fwd or W Key)
Light Attacks, faster but lower damage
11 combos:
Energy Cost: -2% (builds up energy when attack)
.(RS) + Shift(Hold) + Left / Right (Left or A / Right or D Key)
Wide Attacks (considered as light attack in combo), slightly slower but wider range
4 combos:
Energy Cost: -3%
. (RS) + Backward (Bwd or S Key)
Heavy Attacks, slower but higher damage
10 combos:
Energy Cost: -3%
. (RS) + Down (PageDown or C key)
Backward Roll. (Evasion Skill)
(Release movement lock & breaks combo chain instantly.)
Energy Cost: 10%
SP Moves:
(When not holding L-mouse key):
. PageDown (or C Key) + forward (W key)
"Death Gaze"
Long-Range Beams Shoot from the skull's eyes.
Damage(GVG): (20)
Energy Cost: 20%
. PageDown + Backward (S key)
"Berserker Mode" activated, will start auto slashes and damages enemies around.
Damage(GVG): 10 per second
Energy Cost: 5%(start) and then 4% per second
. Use direction keys to move around (like usual run, walk, jump)
. Press L-mouse key once, to stop Berserker Mode mode.
. (RS) + Up (PageUp or E key)
"Head Cutter (ZG3)" (Auto-Aiming Attack)
Automatically detects avatar or active object around, move above it,
then cuts down. Effective Range: 15 meter forward.
Damage(GVG): (10)
Energy Cost: 10%
EX-Combo Skills:
All chain-able combo attacks must chained within 0.25 second, and if they successfuly
chained, EX-Combo Skills will be triggered.
. 3*Light attack (LA) + 1*Heavy attack (HA) + any move
= LV1 - "Death Voltax"
Damage(GVG): (12+12)
Energy Cost: 10%
. 5*LA + 2*HA
= LV2 - "Bloodline Slicer"
Damage(GVG): (13+13+10+10)
Energy Cost: 20%
. 7*LA + 3*HA
= LV3 - "Giga Impact"
Damage(GVG): (12+15w)
Energy Cost: 30%
. 9*LA + 4*HA
= LV4 - "Fallen Angel"
Damage(GVG): (50W)
Energy Cost: 40%
Safe mode / Unsafe Mode
. Weapon's default status is in unsafe mode. damagers will rezzed in this mode. In safe mode, non-rez type of combat available, supported by GVG system v2.22b or higher
. To enter/leave safe mode, input:
"/75 safe" / "/75 unsafe" in chat or activate from HUD
. The creator of this product is not responsible for any technical error cause by lag or other unauthorized use. Although the scripts are tested for several times, but there can still be some small error we haven’t noticed. For any major bug, please contact the ?
creator for debugging.
. The creator of this product is responsible for errors caused by insufficient permission setting. If you found any item in this product have any problems of rezzing due to insufficient permission setting, please contact the creator for item updates.
Veja o item no Second Lifei love it
tbh it will be even better if it can do FX damg
Simply amazing.
This...is...simply awesome. Just like any of the weapons here, the Grim Reaper does not disappoint.....at all...hahaha. This weapon makes me really happy.
I can't list all the good things.
Had it for almost a year now, and I still can't get rid of the giddy feeling when I first got it. The animations are fluid, the SFX are outstanding, the color customization allows for beautiful combinations of colors, and it's intrique yet basic combat system makes it perfect for beginner and pro alike. The attacks are also fast, very surprising to others who don't expect such a factor in a scythe. My friends who duel me at times still never expect the "Backward Roll" or "Head Cutter", and the bow user still forgets about the "Death Gaze". The all around ability every weapon D&D offers can be said with complete confidence and pride that they can be used for any type of weapon based activity, be it casual, roleplay, or tournaments.
One of the coolest sythes I have ever seen and used!
Wether with my Gundam Deathscythe or with my other avis, this weapon is by far one of the coolest and most amazing scythes. The design of the weapon along with the animations, makes this a must get weapon for scythe lovers like myself. Seeing the picture already had me sold but as soon as I tried the demo, I couldn't buy it fast enough. The ability to customize it's look and color along with a choice in sheath makes it an amazing and eye catching accessory as well. Like many of their products, I cant wait to see what other wonders comes from this shop :D
Awsome weapon
This is an exceptional weapon. Its long range and wide sweeping attack arc make it excellent for keeping an opponent at bay, the SP attacks provide a solid sway to push an opponent away from you or hit them at a long range to force them up close, and the EX combos are both impressive and devastating. this is definitly another excellent, must have weapon by D&D