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*D&D* ZH4- Twin Saber MK4 "Suzakuenbu" DEMO (Boxed) Version 20120902

*D&D* ZH4- Twin Saber MK4 "Suzakuenbu" DEMO (Boxed)

WP-ZH4 Twin Saber MK4 "Suzakuenbu" (朱雀演舞) Weapon Individual pack (DEMO)

No MOD, No combat damage, No Sound & reduced-detail.

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Designed for low-lag, realistic combat.

A Twin Saber with high power and good speed, but shorter attack range.
2 alternative transforms available. "Gun Mode" allows long-range combat tactics, and "Liberate Mode" consumes energy to cancels cool-down time, allows user to attack faster, deal more combat damage in less time.
This is also a project to reduce lag deal to the sim. i.e. this weapon attempts to use as little resource of the sim & network, while keeping the combat as good-looking as possible.

. Safe/unsafe mode available
. N-way Color-changeable
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (GVG v2.22b+)
Non-rez type of combat that allow you combat even in no-build Sims.
. Self-adaptable Prim-Animation Transform (SAPAT)
. Combo & EX-Combo system:
. Combat damage enlarges during combos, but end-chain has longer cool-down period.
. Correctly combines Light attack and heavy attack can trigger powerful EX-combo skills.

. Large size: fits for all Dragon/Gundam avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. Small size: fits for all Megaman avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. For other extra large/ extra small avatars, you'll need to use modify permission to fit it in.

All attacks has 5% chance of causing "Burn" status, which will burns your opponent’s HP. (GVGCS)
Attacks marked as “*”has another 20% chance of causing "Burn" status

Attack Attribute: C=Cut / B=Beam / f=fire(weak) / F=fire(strong)

Relax Stance (LS) = when not holding any button (breaks combo chain, EX-combo chain)
Ready Stance (RS) = Left Mouse button (Hold)
Tactic Stance (TS) = PageDown key (Hold)
Cool down period (CD) = 1.5 sec

Normal mode:
(LA): (RS) +Forward (or W Key)
Light Attacks (LA)
Damage (GVG):
EN Cost: -2% (builds up energy when attack)
(Liberate mode: 2%)

(HA): (RS) + Backward (S Key)
Heavy Attacks (HA)
EN Cost: -5%(Lib. mode: 5%)

SP Moves:
(SP1): (RS)or(TS) + Shift (Hold) + Left/Right (A/D Key)
Left/Right Strafe

(SP2): (RS) + PageDown (C key)
Backward Roll. (Evasion Skill) (Instantly breaks Combo chain, EX-Combo chain and release movement lock)
EN Cost: 5%

(SP3): (RS) + PageUp (E key)
“X-Slicer”--- auto aiming attack. Detects a target 15m forward, moves to its front and perform an X-Slash.
If detects nothing, will still moves you 10m forward.
Damage: (30f*) + [fall down]
EN Cost: 10%

Liberate mode is the same as Normal mode, but with (CD) canceled, and interval between each attack is lessen.

(SP4): (TS) + Forward (W Key)
Normal <--> Gun mode Transform.

(SP5): (TS) + Backward (S Key)
Normal <--> Liberate mode Transform.
If EN reaches 200%, automatically enters Liberate mode.
If EN drops lower than 0%, automatically turns back to Normal mode.

Gun Mode:
Mid~long range attacks with 4-hit combo
Tab (RS): Dual gun fire
Distance & Range: 15m & pi*0.2
Damage (GVG):
EN Cost: 5%

Hold (RS) after firing: EN-charge
Release movement lock after 1.5 sec, can walk around while charging energy
+10% EN per 1.5 sec.

EX-Combo Skills:
All chainable combo attacks must chain during (RS). If you release (RS), chain will break down, and all LA/HA counter will be reset.
Using ANY SP attack will also resets combo chain.

. 4*LA + 2*HA
= LV1-"Rising Firebird (火鳥天翔)". A summersault uppercut that damages up to 2 targets
Damage (GVG): 40F+[Lift Up]->(CD)
EN Cost: 15%

. 6*LA + 3*HA
= LV2-"Shin Suzakuenbu (真.朱雀演舞)". A powerful combo Giga attacks that damages up to 3 targets
Damage (GVG): (Target 1): 33f+40F+[Blow Away]->(CD)
(Target 2 and 3): 40F+[Blow Away]->(CD)
EN Cost: 45%

See item in Second Life