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*D&D* ZL4- PsySpear MK4 "Neptune Impact" (Boxed) Version 20120117

*D&D* ZL4- PsySpear MK4 "Neptune Impact" (Boxed)
*D&D* ZL4- PsySpear MK4 "Neptune Impact" (Boxed)
2 Reviews

WP-ZL4 PsySpear MK4 "Neptune Impact" Weapon Individual pack

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Designed for low-lag, realistic-style combat.

A Psy-Spear with long range and high power, but slightly slower attacks.

*new* compatible for combat tatics "heavy blow (HB) attacks" (GVG3.6+)

. On/Off Toggle via HUD/sheath
. Realistic combat style, chainable combo attacks
. safe/unsafe mode avaliable
. n-way Color-changeable via HUD
Bladeflare dynamically changes color following the blade's main color.
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (GVGCS 2.22+)
non-rez type of combat that allow you combat even in no-build sims.
. Self-adaptable blades. Link set won't break down even when changing linksets
. Camera control (beta) simulates impact effects of the weapon

. Weapon + sheath + Display Weapon
*(Small & Large Size)
. HUDs & Userguides

. Small size: fits for all Dragon/Megaman avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. Large size: fits for all Gundam avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. For other extra large/ extra small avatars, you'll need to use modify permission to fit it in.

*new* This weapon is compatible for combat tatics "heavy blow (HB) attacks".
Enemy will recieve more damage when they blown-down by HB attacks.
HB attacks are supported by GVGCS v3.6+

HB \ time \ damage amplifier \\ visual effect
[Fall-Down]\ next 1 sec \ 1.25 times \\ fall down in current position. Can't move untill climb up
[Lift-Up] \ next 3 sec \ 1.5 times \\ Lifted up in mid-air (about 3m above)
[Blow-Away]\ next 5 sec \ 1.75 times \\ blow-away 10m backward. Can't move untill climb up

Normal Attacks:
5% chance of causing "Freezing" status (GVGCS)

Ready Stance (RS) = Hold Left Mousebutton

.(RS)+Forward (/W Key)
Light Attacks(LA), faster but lower damage
11 combos:
EN Cost: -1% (builds up energy when attack)

. (RS) + Backward (/S Key)
Heavy Attacks(HA), slower but higher damage
10 combos:
EN Cost: -2%

. (RS)+ Shift(Hold) + Left/Right(A/D Key)
Left/Right Strafe Slash.
Damage(GVG): 13
EN Cost: 0%

SP Moves:
. (RS) + Up(PageUp/E key)
"Stinger (ZL4)"
Auto-Aiming attack. Move to the front of detected enemy and slash.
Effective distance: 15m
if not detecting anything, will move your avatar 15m forward.
Damage(GVG): 17a+[Fall-Down]
EN Cost: 15%

. (RS) + Down (PageDown/C key)
Backward Roll. (Evasion Skill)
(Release movement lock & breaks combo chain instantly.)
EN Cost: 5%

(When not holding L-mouse key):
. PageDown(hold) + forward
"Arctic Laser" Shoots freeze laser in front
Damage(GVG): 30a
EN Cost: 25%

. PageDown(hold) + backward
"Final Flush" Fury attack.
Converts all energy into impact attacks, every 20% energy converts to 1 extra hit.
After use, weapon's energy will drop to zero.
Damage(GVG): 22a * (1~10 hits) (Each hit has 5% chance of causing [Lift-Up] effect)
EN Cost: 20~200%

EX-Combo Skills:
All chainable combo attacks must chained within 0.40 second, if successfulychained, EX-Combo Skills will be triggered.

. 2*Light attack(LA) + 1*Heavy attack(HA) + any move
= LV1 - "Vortex"
Damage(GVG): 22a
EN Cost: 5%

. 4*LA + 2*HA
= LV2 - "Whirlpool"
Damage(GVG): 12+22a+[Lift-Up]
Energy Cost: 20%

. 6*LA + 3*HA
= LV3 - "Tsunami"
Damage(GVG): 13+22a+22a+[Lift-Up]
Energy Cost: 40%

. 8*LA + 4*HA
= LV4 - "Abyss Quake"
Damage(GVG): 17+13+13+40A+[Blow-Away]
Energy Cost: 50%

Safe / Unsafe Mode
. Weapon's default status is in unsafe mode. damagers will rezzed in this mode. In safe mode, non-rez combat available, supported by GVGCS v2.22+

. The creator of this product is not responsible for any technical error cause by lag or other unauthorized use. Althought the scripts are tested for several times, but there could be small errors we haven't noticed. For any major bug, please contact the creator for debugging.

. The creator of this product is responsible for errors caused by insufficient permission settings. If you found any item in this product have any problems of rezzing due to insufficient permission setting, please contact the creator for item updates.

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Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Best Built-in Fantasy Combat System
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 22, 2012 by JoshuaEphron

This spear is beautifully animated and modeled, both fun and eye-candy. Chaining combos is easy (following the tutorial), a whole new gameplay added to SL. Everything runs smoothly and lag free, considering its low script count. Feels so natural and balanced you’ll come back for more. Great value, easy to customize and play.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 10, 2012 by scott95

this weapon is bad ass in my opinion, the combinations are well worth the L 5 star and over in my highest opinion great job

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L$ 449

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D & D SilverSmith
D & D SilverSmith
Sold by: Darkraven Danick

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