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DEMO Micro-kini

DEMO Micro-kini


A fresh new original mesh bikini style swimsuit just for you this season!

This Speedo style bikini is based on those extra tiny Olympic Athletic-cut, Extremely Low Rise Briefs.

100% Rigged, built to show off your stunning physique & amazing attributes at the pool or beach!

One of the 5 sizes will fit your body type.

  • 5 standard mesh sizes!
  • Original Design Mesh
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"One of the sizes will fit your body type"
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 13, 2017 by Gay Crazyboi

Unless, of course, it doesn't. Make sure you try the demo.

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So close!
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted August 23, 2016 by SelvaKitten

I can see that these would fit my character in a very amazing way, but it needs to be unrigged! D:

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