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DM Fence Texture Set - Alpha Textures Version Fences

DM  Fence Texture Set - Alpha Textures

DM Fence Textures with Transparent Alpha Channel

Different Styles - Rusted Fence, Blu Hue Fence, Hi-Res Textures. See Images.

Fence Textures
5 - Premium Texture Pack
1024 x 1024 Textures

Our license, and terms and conditions of use, is included within all our products and is available to view from the product vendors before you make a purchase at our In-World Display Stores selling or making available Dissmedia Premium Textures. Downloading Dissmedia Premium Textures and any resources implies that you have read and accepted the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to any section of this Dissmedia Premium Texture License. Do Not Purchase for use.

This agreement may not be resold / reassigned, distribution (ed) and/or resale/sold of the content whole or in part is strictly prohibited.

If you are unsure about anything in the Dissmedia Premium Texture License or wish to clarify our Licenses for any extended use, please contact us.

Product Usage
Dissmedia Premium Textures offers textures with full permissions for use only within Second Life®.

As a purchaser of Dissmedia Premium Textures you have the right to use them with your personal and commercial projects created within Second Life®. Dissmedia Premium Textures license is issued only to the person that downloads the resources.

As a purchaser / user you may not sub-license, assign, or transfer Dissmedia Premium Textures license and/or textures to anyone else without prior written consent ( jacobjhess@gmail.com ) from Jacob Hess.

As a purchaser / user, you may not resell or redistribute Dissmedia Premium Textures, modified, unmodified, singularly or combined with another product as textures to anyone else without prior written consent ( jacobjhess@gmail.com ) from Jacob Hess.

As a purchaser / user you may not distribute any of Dissmedia Premium Textures (including all derivatives) for free or commercial gain, or where the derived product you are selling or distributing is a texture or a collection of textures.

As a purchaser / user, you may not share our full permission textures (including all derivatives) with any third person / party, inside or outside of Second Life® or to distribute Dissmedia Premium Textures (including all derivatives) on any other website and/or 3D Platform.

As a purchaser / user, you may not sell or distribute Dissmedia Premium Textures (including all derivatives) with full permissions or within any full permission object(s).

Modifications of Dissmedia Premium Textures
As a purchaser / user, you are allowed to modify our textures to make them fit your requirements. However, they will still be subject to our license regardless of the extent of all modifications made.

As a purchaser / user, you may download our textures and edit them within an image editing software but the resulting derivative(s) is subject to Dissmedia Premium Textures license.
Unauthorized Distribution of Dissmedia Premium Textures

As a purchaser / user, you may not sell or place any of our textures and / or resources, modified or unmodified, on a disk, CD, website or any other conceivable medium and offer Dissmedia Premium Textures for redistribution or resale in a manner that would violate our Dissmedia Premium Textures Terms of Use and licenses. You may reference to our facebook with the supplied link, or via direct email. ( jacobjhess@gmail.com )

Ownership of Dissmedia Premium Textures
As a purchaser / user, you may not claim intellectual and/or exclusive ownership of any of Dissmedia Premium Textures, modified or unmodified. All Dissmedia Premium Textures remain our property via Jacob J. Hess, and all Dissmedia Premium Texture Artist within our organization.

None of Dissmedia Premium Textures or derivatives of the textures may be copyrighted.

If you have a question or concerns email jacobjhess@gmail.com / contact in-world / or contact us via Facebook.

All Textures remain the ownership of Jacob J. Hess (and Second Life® counterpart: Jkub Heslop)

Dissmedia Premium Textures are licensed solely to you, and only for use within Second Life®

All items in the product / files are original works / renderings.

Copyright © 2007-2013 Jacob J. Hess / DM Premium Textures

See item in Second Life
  • All New Textures from Dissmedia
  • 1024 x 1024 Premium Textures
  • Rendered specifically for Second Life
  • Ideal for Content Creators of ALL Types
  • For Use with other DM Premium Textures