!new lower price!
This airship was designed in Oct 2008 as a tribute to the 'artistic' side of Steampunk as opposed to the 'grunge' side. The anabaric helix engines do vent sparks constantly while idling. You will also notice a faint electric humming sound during propulsion mode from the engines. Perhaps the designer will find a way to muffle this noise in future designs.
The cabin sphere is reinforced with copper gilded metal work. Views are quite nice despite total protection from adverse weather. The cabin can be locked by the owner, the rear panel swings open on touch.
As sold, the craft holds 4 plus pilot. There are prims you can remove if you wish to change the seating.
Captain/Owner should be seated before passengers.
There are three speeds forward, reverse, up and down. See other notes included for flight operation.
Warning Note !!!
I owe great thanks to Mr Boomslang for his Motivator, Mr Hax for his kindness and advice (and various modifications to the motivator script) and to Miss Munro for inspiration, genius and encouragement. I recommend purchases from all of these citizens.
I have slightly modified the Motivator so that a "captain's bell" will sound when the Anbaric Motivator is shut down and it is safe for passengers to get on and off. This means folks can 'hear' when the Captain has shut down controls in case they do not spot the text warning.
The Anbaric Motivator will 'short out' if someone climbs aboard (or jumps off) while it is running. The captain will need to 'stop' the Motivator and 'start' it again for the gravimetric axis to realign properly.
I hope you enjoy the 'Delight'. I have left all pieces copy mod so you can experiment. Be careful with the scripts, especially while the airship engines are running.
Please make a copy of the original before you tinker. I cannot replace 'broken' sets.
22 prim 'Delight' airship
suitable for five avatars to tour Second Life
Xtra special included:
animted textures
particle effects
Captain's bell
Navigation warning lights
megaprim airbag
Mod/copy so you may color to your own tastes
Gesture to 'whack controls' and restart Motivator (place in your gesture inventory and activate)
! caution !:
Never tinker with the size of the megaprim airbag. Megaprims are unstable and will default to 10m max if you try to alter size.
You can put your own sounds into the scripts for engines and "captain's bell".
Happy Shopping.
Miss Ember
Come see all my products at:
DME Gadgets @ Port Caledon
See item in Second Life- multi seat
- easy safe flyer
- holds speed without typing.... !you can chat!
I love this airship...just follow the instructions & you won't have any problems.
I love the design of it, you have a clear view of your avatar & passengers inside.
Once you get the hang of controlling it you'l be flying everywhere you can in no time. :->