Modular and segmented body with alpha cuts
Detailed HUD
Dynamic blush layer
Smoothly animated talking
Full SL version of the avatar included, with full perms skin textures for appliers
Digitigrade and Plantigrade legs
Choice of female, male and femboy bodies
Development kit
Recolorable toes fingers and claws
3 head versions - one for other bodies and one unrigged
Mature option included
See item in Second LifeTimber Wolf Avatar
Love the avatar, love the ease of everything about using it.
I cannot seem to be able to clothe it. Nothing I have already and nothing I bought will show on it.Might be my system might not but other wise I love the avatar.
A great and fuzzy looking avatar that i was looking for quite a while now.
it is very easy to customize the avatar with the hud, and it also looks adorable!
i'll most likely stick around and look for more DSD Products!