Basic snowmobile outfit and helmet, to go with the:
Red Damani/Subzero Snowmobile
ATTENTION!! This review is for another product from the same creator.
Hi, all.
Once again, it's me, Henry. And today, I come to you with a strong disclaimer: The reason I'm reviewing this product is to rant about the Damani deLuxe Weather System, shown here: <---- This product/Weather System quite simply isn't what it used to be. Way back when I first bought it (In-World, unfortunately), it worked perfectly. In short, like a charm. As long as you had your weather emitters rezzed at a reasonable height above your land (No more than 100m), then you could gain all the best weather effects possible! Plus, a few others which most (If not all) the other weather systems quite simply don't have.
Unfortunately, updates and support for the Damani deLuxe Weather System are just about non-existent. And they have been this way for at least a couple of years now...Probably longer. And since I bought the system in-world instead of on the Marketplace, I can't review it directly. Thus, I have to do so using one of this guy's free products. The first problem I had with the system was mostly my fault; the lightning didn't seem to be rezzing. This is because I had the rezzers up to high. Then, one day, while trying to change the weather on the system, I noticed the top part of the controller was fading in and out every second or two! Thus, I tried to contact the creator...No response.
Well, I discovered a handy HUD and was using it fine for a while. Now, all my ground cover won't rez any longer, along with the precipitation from the clouds! And I tried everything to fix it; I do mean everything...Except contacting the creator. No doubt this won't do any good. Slowly, but surely, his once-unique system is breaking down. But what can we do about it? Anything? Anyone!?