That prim count thing. It's annoying, ain't it? You've only got so many of 'em, and half of those are often taken up by your home.
This release from Domicile won't shove that conundrum at you. The Domicile Basics series consists of 20m x 20m fully-enclosed (no door) skyboxes that are just three (yes, 3!) prims each. Even on the stingiest 512m plot that will leave you with 114 prims free for furnishing.
Each skybox in the series is named after a book character or author. See related items for other skyboxes in the series.
- 'Lucky Jack' Aubrey, famed sea captain. Fond of food, the ladies, his precious Guarneri violin, and the most terrible of puns. (There are two versions of the skybox in this package: one with an open, rigged ceiling - as shown in the ad - and one with a solid planked ceiling - the same texture as the floor in the ad.)
- Ultra-low-prim (just 3!)
Good texture, resizes.