Hair create to be used with EASY MANNEQUIN
Prim equivalent to ONLY 1 prims each! **Mesh enabled viewer required.**
Our hair are copyable and modifiable so you can resize them (larger sizes increase prim count) and make as many copies as you need.
When linked to the mannequin keeps the same prim usage of the mannequin (2 prims)
You can change the hair texture for any standard SL texture for hair.
OBS: Mannequin kit does not contain the skin shown. You can buy full permit templates from skin creators.
*** We can create customized mannequin with the shape you use as model for your clothes creation / you can decide the pose you need your mannequin ***
Just contact Apolo Farrjones
- Land Low Impact - 1 prims
- Uses SL standard Hair texture
- Color change with desaturated hair
- Fully documented
- 3 hair textures
Great Work Great Service!
Basic hair yes but model looks alot better with it. This creator has amazing work and these models are the best in sl!!