Hello, and thanks for your purchase! Your support helps to keep me designing for Second Life.
There are a few things you will need to know to get the most from your purchase.
All pieces I make are copyable and modifiable. Please make a backup of any piece before you modify it. Some scripts are no-mod, which will make the item appear to also be no-mod when inspected, but all prim parameters can be edited.
These accessories are unrigged. This means that you can adjust their size and positioning on your body, and even copy them to reattach elsewhere.
When wearing them, "add" them.
To retexture, simply touch one of the pieces and it will give you a menu to guide you through the process. There are 8 metal and 8 gem textures.
To resize, there are two ways. Via script- touch one of the items and select the resize option from the menu. Or you may use the edit menu and do this manually. I recommend that if resizing the chest or back piece, to add the corresponding key and edit both together to keep sizes and positioning relative.
There are several pieces in this set, and some you will want to wear together. Details of each are below.
Eclectica- The Automaton's Key-a-backpiece-
This attaches to the spine, and is the hole for the key. It can be worn on it's own.
Eclectica- The Automaton's Key-back key-
The key for the backpiece. When touched, it will turn on and gently rotate, making a quiet noise. This can be touched again to cycle through louder volumes until it turns off again.
Eclectica- The Automaton's Key-a-chestpiece-
A small lock that attaches to the chest. It can be worn on it's own.
Eclectica- The Automaton's Key-chest key-
The key for the chest lock.
Eclectica- The Automaton's Key-b-backpiece and
Eclectica- The Automaton's Key-b-chestpiece-
These behave the same as their "a" versions, but are without the surrounding skirt. A little plainer in appearance, and an option for if the alpha and shape of the skirt does not suit you.
Eclectica- The Automaton's Key-display-
Just a key to pop on your dresser if you like it as decor. 1LI.
If you need assistance, please contact me (Tiffy Vella) via IM, as I may be able to help you even when not inworld. I do not mind questions, and would rather the opportunity to help if there is any issue.
All the best, and please enjoy using my designs to make your sl environment a little more immersive and expressive. :)
Second Life の商品を表示- Original mesh.
- Copy and modify.
- Unrigged and adjustable.
- Texturechanging.
- Two versions included.