Ed Sheeran - Shape of You - Dancer (BOXED)
Full song by Ed Sheeran - Shape of You. Just type "shape on" (without the quotation marks) into local chat to start the song and it'll loop until you type in "you off" (without the quotation marks).
Comes with Male and Female dance versions.
Note: Script does not seem to work on the Official Second Life or Catznip Viewers (has something to do with one of their coding), but all other viewers are fine.
View Video »So-so
It's kinda cute. Dance is a little poor, but has some cute qualities. You get what you pay for though. It isn't horrible, but isn't superb. Basic dance box.
*continues to shake it*
Good Dancer
Animation goes pretty well with the dance tbh, I like it. $53 is a good price for it as well.
L$ 53
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