Egypt Console
➤ 9 LI
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►Builder : MrErfe Resident / Dark Oxhall
► Please Contact with us if there any question , request or problem ...
► Note: We are doing custom works for you . You can write our e-mail or write IM to us.
► If you want to see this product in SL world. Please send me an e-mail. I can turn fastly for this way. Ty.
► Mail : erfedesign@gmail.com
► Marketplace :
► MainStore : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Corona/89/129/29
Quality! Quality! Quality!
The attention to detail in the design is not missed. Love this accent console. It's a statement piece by itself.
Top Tier Decor
I use a lot of this creators stuff mostly in my earth tone decor but their pieces arevery versitile they fit my needs when it comes to modern pices and architect.