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.Eldritch. Celestial Compass Pendant (Disciple) Version 1.1

.Eldritch. Celestial Compass Pendant (Disciple)

The mysterious nature of the Disciples remains a mystery to villagers and forest folk, their artifacts and practices as mystical as they are secretive. Within their clandestine workings, who knows what this intricate, courtly pendant plays in their magics. Is it arcane and threatening? Symbolic and ritualistic? Inherently powerful?

Inspired by the hanging heavens and all of the marvelous diversity therein, this mystic pendant lends to your look the same tranquil grace and mysterious depths held by the night sky.

Simply ridiculous amounts of options, textures and features await to help you make a truly unique pendant for your avatar. Those options range from ancient and ominous, to vibrant and natural, shining and divine to unholy and sinister. Ancient to modern, these pendants can be made to truly match you.

Touch scripted for texture, glow, transparency, brightness. HUD scripted for color tint and resizing.
Automatic updates.

  • Remarkably extensive options to tailor your pendant to your taste
  • Unisex - Suits both men and women equally
  • Customization HUDS for extended modifications and features
  • Auto updates
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Fantastic Craftsmanship.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 12, 2015 by Htaedfororreteht Tagore

This is the most customizable piece of jewelry I've ever found on SL. Amazing work.

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