Sergio Pack | Skin & Shape
1. 4 Skin tones | Light, Tan (With and without Tattoo)
2. 2 Shapes | Tall, Medium (copy, modify)
3. 2 Body Illuminators
4. 1 Eyes | Blue
5. 1 Ripped Jeans (copy, modify)
Skin tan like Winnetoo
Sorry but the skin tan is like the last of the Mohicans
Do not buy this as you will not recive what you payed for all you get is a body illuminator nothing else. Repeat DO NOT BUY
Great look for the price!
This made a great option to get away from the horrible starter avi SL set me up with. It looks great and gives me something to use while I figure out all the stuff required with a mesh avi. It is definitely worth the L$100.
Good, but NOT 4 "tones"
It's a very nice skin, but you do not get 4 different tones, you get 2 tones, and 2 other versions of those tones that have tattoo's on them. This get's a good review because I like the skin, however, I feel it is a bit falsely advertised.