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Empress Statue Skin/Shape/Eyes omega (boxed)

Empress Statue Skin/Shape/Eyes omega (boxed)

Included are
-1 Statue Copy skin tones all parts (Head, neck, chest, legs)
-apply a full skin with a single button! (Don't forget your omega relays)
-1 Copy Mod Shapes for Catya head (use your own shape if you do not have a catya)
-Copy Mod Eyebrow Shape
-No breast shadows
-Statue Eyes Omega
-Some poses in hud included

Works well with Maitreya, V-tech, Catwa, Tweenster, Tonic fine, Slink ect, basically anything omega compatible it works with just fine I have tested it on several bodies.

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too bad
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 17, 2020 by laidimp

the applier covers my catwa head, but only my lower Maitreya torso. and of course, this is unacceptable. only $199L, but should be better than what it is

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Just what i was looking for
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 08, 2019 by Kizzy Jurassic

Perfect, just what i needed, and looks fantastic on my shape and body, and with the included face applier, was spot on :)x

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Works great !!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 15, 2019 by Chloe Morningstar

Love the product thank you for the awesome skin :3

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