This item is a Rezzable decor Item, great for photos. This item is not drivable. Great for RP and photographers.
It's so small! and not modifiable for as much as you pay for it make it BARELY worth it. :(
Wish i could have seen this before i bought it.
For the impact I thought it was going to be better quality. Too bad this is the only one i could find.
Must Have
A wonderful and detailed prop truck! I agree with other reviews that it's strange for it not to be resizeable, but I never needed to resize it personally. A simple resize script put into it would fix the issue without needing to make the truck Mod, but the creator would have to look into that.
At 40LI, it's a little heavy for a permanent installation, but a great for Rp! Got to return it eventually!
Can't be resized
It's a great prop, but the fact that it can't be resized is a huge flaw.
I really like the truck! I just wish it was resize-able that's the only flaw. :/
This is a really nice product , I use it for photography and also apart of decor here on my residential land , Great textures and it reminds me of real life lol