{Etiquette} Olivia - cloud white
{Etiquette} Lingerie by Hollee presents - Olivia
Soft satin matching bra and panties with black or white stockings.
Delicate and pretty looking satin lingerie with lace trim. Set comes with both white and black lace options and stockings. Comes with tatoo friendly layers as outlined below and also includes a gift box that you can transfer to a friend.
Bra (black & white lace) - shirt & undershirt
Panties (black & white lace) - pants & underpants
Stockings (black & white lace) - socks
- {Etiquette} Lingerie by Hollee
- Olivia satin bra, panties and stockings
- Sexy satin lingerie with lace trim
- Black stockings
- White stockings
If you need a bra....
Never thinking I would need any type of undergarments in SL, I found myself needing something to go with a cute outfit I liked that was a little too see through for my taste.
Lovely, simple, and you get alot more then I thought came in the box, 10 L for all that? Crazy to pass it up.
Sweet and pretty
baught one of theese to complement my black ones of the same creator. and they are oh so cute.
Noones eyes went elsewhere than me when i took of my clothes and had this under ;)
they are handwash though... but what could one demand of such fine clothing...
im getting more... pays back tenfolds ;) giggle
wheres the fatpack!!!!